Visual scripting with Marionette

For Design Suite products, the Marionette tool provides a visual scripting interface, allowing inexperienced users to quickly understand and create complex scripts in the Vectorworks program without needing to understand the underlying programming language, Python. This is achieved by placing nodes, which represent various actions that take place in the Vectorworks program. Nodes are arranged into networks of actions that are performed sequentially. While it is beneficial for users to understand scripting prior to using the Marionette tool, it is not necessary. More advanced types of nodes allow for the reuse, consolidation, and sharing of Marionette networks; experienced users can edit the underlying script if needed. Marionette objects can also be saved as Marionette object style resources for ease of use and sharing. Advanced developers can use a variety of Python libraries to create custom nodes for distribution.

For more information on scripting, the following resources are available:

Marionette tutorials on YouTube: 

Developer wiki for Marionette: 

Developer wiki main page: 

Marionette node types

Inserting a node with the Marionette tool

Marionette networks

Marionette wrapper nodes

Creating menu commands from wrapper nodes

Using object nodes

Saving and exporting Marionette networks

Advanced Marionette scripting

Editing Marionette objects

Quick Start: Let's use Marionette to create a simple extrude

Marionette tutorial: Creating a simple cabinet

Using scripts


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